Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Map With an Interactive Timeline

I love this map of the Digital History of the U.S. The timeline is interactive and each point on the map gives you more in depth information about the event that occurred. I like scrolling through the decades and watching all the little icons pop up and fluctuate in size. It gives a sense of movement and change. Another subtle and interesting feature is the scroll bar for the time line. It is actually also an indication of the average human lifespan. So as you progress through the decades, the scroll bar increases in size to indicate the length of a generation during that time period.

Lab 3

A link to my Lab 3 assignment. I made some alterations to my timeline. I thought this would look better than what i had before and would be easier to interact with.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Assignment 2

Here is a link to Assignment 2. This lab was more tricky that I originally thought and I learned a lot of things about organization in flash. I had a lot of fun making this and I think it looks pretty good.

Interactive Map

This is a really interesting interactive map I found for Las Vegas. It lets you explore the different areas of Las Vegas and lets you zoom in for more detail on points of interest. I love the color choices and it gives the feeling that you are actually looking at Las Vegas at night! It gives you so many options to explore.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Assignment 1

Map of states voting on Super Tuesday for the Democrats. Produced in Flash.